Music on The Move Studios Blog
The Music on The Move blog features aspects from all of our projects including Music Education, Paradox Jukebox episode recaps, artist features, guest articles, and more!

Music Minute Monday: Easy Guitar Licks Part 2
How to play the “Truth Hurts” guitar/bass lick!

Music Minute Monday: Vocal Placement Part 2 - How to Change Your Vocal Placement
Erin dives deeper on how proper vocal placement will give you better results!

Music Minute Monday: Vocal Placement. What Is It? Part 1
Erin explains the importance of where you place your voice, and how it relates to which vocal register you are using.

De-Mystifying Virtual Music Lessons with Erin & Caitie
De-mystify the common misconceptions of virtual music education with the pros!

Guitar Strings and How to Choose Them, Pt. 2
Part two of “How To Choose The Right Guitar Strings.”

Making 16th Note Grooves Tasty…
Caitie loves her 16th note grooves, and today she shares a bit about how to set them up so that they feel groovy.

What does it mean to “Belly Breathe”?
What does it mean to belly breathe? Learn from a vocal coach!

Welcome to the Music on The Move Studios Blog!
Welcome to the Music on The Move Studios Blog!