Stretching Routine for Singers: Why & How

For today’s Music Minute Monday we talk about something we don’t typically think about initially when it comes to singing and performing: a stretching routine. Sure, you have your warm ups, your healthy vocal remedies (hot tea, honey, steaming, etc.,) but, there is one crucial piece of the puzzle most singers are missing, and that’s stretching!

Think about it, you stretch your body before and after you do any sort of physical activity so, why should singing be any different? Your voice is a muscle so, it should be treated as such!

Not only does stretching help the muscles associated with singing relax but, it also centers you and gets you in the correct mind set to start singing!

“…But Erin, I thought just your vocal folds were the only muscles that you use when you sing?” Oh, dear reader (yes, I’ve been watching Bridgerton…), while the vocal folds are the main muscles you use to sing, they are not simply the only ones! Think about it:

  • You have to use your breath and therefore, your lungs and the muscles associated with your respiratory system have to work a little harder.

  • Your diaphragm is your main support system for said break and therefore, you need to stretch out your abdominal muscles.

  • Your neck, which holds your precious vocal folds, has several other muscles surrounding it which MUST be relaxed in order for your vocal folds to operate properly.

  • Your shoulders, which have muscles connecting to so many other parts of your body, including your neck, must also be relaxed in order for your neck to follow suit!

I’m not saying you have to have a solid 15 minute stretching routine to sing, but if you follow the simple routine I do with all of my students before our lesson, it should set you up nicely for a body ready to sing!

Thinking about taking lessons? Fantastic! Music on The Move Studios offers free 15 minute consultations with all new students! You can schedule yours or contact us, below!


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