Making 16th Note Grooves Tasty…

When you get to the point in your drumming where playing 16th note grooves is possible, you want to go full Animal from The Muppets, and no one could blame you! Congrats on getting here, friend. Welcome.

But now that you’re here, what do you do with said 16th note groove? MAKE IT TASTY, OF COURSE. Utilize some accents on 1,2,3 and 4, keep the other notes lower to the hi-hat, and enjoy. Check the pattern here for understanding.

If you want to take this a step further as seen in the Instagram video below, then add the accents to “1+2+3+4+”. Check this pattern here for understanding.

Pro Tip: Relax your arm, and really utilize your wrist. You don’t need a lot of force to make this groove sound clean. But, you do need finesse and a metronome to check your work. Don’t rush the accents.

For more info, or to talk to Caitie about private lessons, reach out to!


Congratulations Meg Williams and Travis Bowlin!


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