New Music Friday: Spreading Love & Being Petty

This New Music Friday playlist picks couldn’t be any more different in style and message! We’re featuring singles from Osmunda Music and Brea Fournier & the Dream Ballet.

Easing you in is Osmunda Music’s single, “Wrap My Heart Around You”. This soothing tune, reminiscent of Lennon-like messages and Beatles-esque harmonies will have you feeling the love!

Closing out the week is the juxtaposing single, “Petty Stuff” from Brea Fournier & the Dream Ballet. According to Brea, "‘Petty Stuff’ is the first single from Manic Pixie Dream Girl!, our debut feminist rock opera concept album, and our first official release as a band. Within the album’s narrative, this song is a pivotal moment for the titular character. As she begins to separate herself from the static film archetype for which she was named, she comes to believe her good intentions are getting her nowhere in life. Instead, she gives in to her negativity and lets her frustrations loose. I wrote it as a sort of rebuttal to the toxic positivity culture that is so rampant on social media. In my eyes, while positive thinking can of course be a useful tool, suppressing your emotions is simply not realistic and certainly isn’t good advice. Sometimes we all need a good rant, even if it comes across as “petty,” so I took this opportunity to list everything that makes me twitch–failed relationships, inequality, diet culture, even Gwyneth Paltrow gets a little shout-out–in hopes that it would give my listeners permission to be real with what they’re feeling, too. Anger is normal, and we should embrace expressing it in healthy outlets rather than make it an issue of morality.

If you have music you’d like featured on the New Music Friday blog and playlist, submit your music to us in the contact section on our site!


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