Take Yourself to The Concert!

Going to concerts with friends is always fun - you get to hang out with your favorite people while listening to your favorite musicians play your favorite songs. What’s not to love?

But what happens when a friend has to bail last minute? Or none of your friends have quite the same taste in music? Or you just moved to a new city and you don’t have any friends there yet?

Sometimes, you just have to make like Harry Styles and go solo!

For those of us who can be a little more introverted (it’s me, hi…), that can seem extremely intimidating and downright scary. But are we about to let fear get in the way of a good time? No way! 

Here’s my advice on how to tackle going to a concert on your own!

Step One: Know Before You Go

Make sure to check out information about the venue so you know what to expect. Is there a bag policy? Is there parking nearby? Are the bars or concessions inside cash only? Knowing these kinds of details will help make the night go smoothly and avoid any potentially embarrassing situations when you get to the doors!

Also, if this is the first time you’ve gone to a show in a city you just moved to, this is the perfect time to explore! Do some research on the neighborhood the venue is in and check out some of the nearby places to kill some time before the doors open. It’s also a great opportunity to make some new friends - you know you’ve already got at least one thing in common, so it’s the world’s easiest icebreaker!

Step Two: Charge Up

This step is twofold. 

Firstly, if you’re anything like me, you are constantly worried that your phone will run out of battery and you won’t be able to get home safe because of it. This is an easy problem to avoid! Make sure that your phone has a full charge before you leave, and save some battery while you’re at the show by putting your phone in airplane mode! Because let’s be honest - do you really need to go live on Instagram or TikTok right now? Nah. Snap a couple of photos for yourself, and then put your phone away and enjoy the music! And if you’re still anxious about your phone battery, no swear. Bring a (fully charged) portable charger or use a phone case with a charger built in! Extra battery = less stress = more fun!

Secondly, if you’re a more introverted person who knows that going to a concert on your own will be a drain on your social battery, make sure to take some time for yourself in the days before and after the show so that you don’t feel burnt out and can enjoy the show as much as possible! 

Step Three: Have Fun!

It’s as simple as that! With a little preparation and the right mindset, you’ll start to ask yourself why you were nervous in the first place. Now you’re ready to get out there, so be safe, be nice, tip your bartenders, and I’ll see you at the next show! 

Guest Author: Laura K. Marsh, Esq.


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