How to Not Lose Your Voice during The Eras Tour

Before we start, I’d like to point out that this information could apply to pretty much any concert you’re going to. However, as a voice teacher, I’ve seen some semblance of this video circulating on my feed and I feel it necessary to address before the US leg of the Eras tour is over. It may be a little too late but a girl’s gotta try.

How to scream at a concert!

Option A is that you don’t. However since I realize that is completely and totally unrealistic, here’s option B.

Use your mixed voice! What is your mixed voice you ask? It’s the part of your voice where you take a combination of ranges to create the desired sound you want! In this case, it’s all about placement! We are taking our chest voice and adding in some “whiny” tones to not only protect our voice but also help us reach those hard-to-get-higher-notes.

For this, we are going to channel our inner Angelica Pickles (Come on, we all know you have one.) If you don’t know who Angelica Pickles is, google her. In your most nasaly tone, you can either say the word “Nyeh” or, “Neigh.” You really want to send your tone through your nasal passage so it almost sounds like a mosquito. What this done is strengthen your form for your “mixed belt.” As you progress, you can start to open your tone more and add in the words.

Should it start to hurt when you’re practicing, practice on a lower note and work your way back up to the note you were trying to hit.

Remember your voice is a muscle so, treat it like one! You can’t start at the finish line.

As always, remember to hydrate!

If you want to learn to sing the whole song, why not check out one of those free mini lessons we offer for new students? Check out more information here!


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