New Music Friday: Katie Basden & Julian Adrian

We’re turning up the HEAT with these Summer bangers from Katie Basden and Julian Adrian! Whether you’re looking for a windows-down, drive to absolutely nowhere style song or, a spicy summer romance “will they, won’t they?” situation, we’ve got you covered!

Katie Basden “Not Today”

Let’s talk about this OG Music on The Move performer, shall we? Katie Basden was in our very first showcase back in 2019 when we were called “Women on Fire.” She has also been a personal friend since college and I’ve admired her voice and her songs ever since. With this new release “Not Today,” we get a classic Katie Basden free-spirited gypsy vibe with a nod to one of her biggest inspirations, the Allman Brothers Band.

This song is all about wanting to get lost for a while to escape the every day while reassuring the listener, “I’ll find my way back just like I always have, just not today.” Perfect for starting or simply enjoying your summer vacation. The constant train beat of the drums & acoustic will keep your head nodding and toes tapping all the way through the song! At the end there’s a jam-out session which is very akin to Katie’s live shows where she loves to have her band show off their skills where everyone gets their moment to shine while also still maintaining the well-oiled collaborative sound reflective of seasoned professionals.

Julia Adrian “Elephant in the Room”

Where are my BookTok people at? Let me specify, where are my spicy BookTok people at? When I first came across this song from Julian Adrian, I didn’t know what to expect with this Boston-turned-Nashville singer/songwriter but, I was pleasantly surprised! In this sultry pop song, we’re given a tension-filled hard-to-get will they, won’t they situation. “I’m way too stubborn to show, your aggravation…will you make a move? There’s an elephant in the room.”

So, why did I bring up BookTok? Quite frankly because I am neck-deep in the Sarah J. Maas universe and this song is giving early on Feyre & Rhys/Aelin & Rowan vibes. I won’t dive too deep in to the plot but, for more context, this song could easily be placed on your favorite Summer romance-drama TV show.

Adrian starts each verse with breathy vocals, building back in to a full-voiced chorus, then drawing back to the breathiness gives the listener a feel of the push and pull of playing coy in a new potential relationship. This one is definitely a fun-upbeat vibe for everyone who loves a good “mildly spicy” dance song.

You can check out all of our featured artists on our Spotify playlist and check back in every Friday for new features!


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