Music on The Move Studios Blog
The Music on The Move blog features aspects from all of our projects including Music Education, Paradox Jukebox episode recaps, artist features, guest articles, and more!

Making 16th Note Grooves Tasty…
Caitie loves her 16th note grooves, and today she shares a bit about how to set them up so that they feel groovy.

Music Minute Monday: Staying Healthy During Seasonal Changes
Need to know how to survive seasonal allergies as a musician? Erin McLendon is here to help!

String Wrapping Do’s and Dont’s
Save yourself time, money, and headaches when tuning your guitar…

Music Minute Monday: Microphone Technique
Learn about the basics of proper mic technique with vocal coach, Erin McLendon!

How to Overcome Songwriter’s Block - Music Minute Monday
Looking for ways to replenish the creative juices? Try these three tips…