Sponsor Feature: IF Publicity

Over the years, we’ve worked with a ton of amazing sponsors and vendors and we love to feature those who go above and beyond to help the Music on The Move Community! Today, we are featuring Amelia Lane of IF (Irresistible Force) Publicity! Amelia is not only an incredible publicist, but she’s also my publicist!

She and I met through her assistant, Athena, and immediately hit it off! She has not only helped me promote my own music and land a few awesome brand deals (HydroJug, The Grand Ole Opry, and a few more I can’t tell you about yet!) but has also been an incredible supporter of Music on The Move! I sat down with her to learn a little more about IF Publicity and what they stand for!

Who are you & why did you start Irresistible Force Publicity?

My name is Amelia and we are located in Nashville but have clients all over the country. I started IFP out of the want to create something different. The entertainment industry can be a scary wild place. I wanted IFP to be a safe place for all of our clients. 

Did you get an education in publicity or is it something that you fell into? Or both!

It has been something that I have fallen into for sure. I worked for a large publicity firm that taught me SO much. I made amazing connections and learned so much about artists and clients. It also taught me I never want to be a big machine. We love having a selective roster! 

What do you look for when looking for someone to work with?

Two of the most important things we look for are KIND people. Artists and clients that want to put good in the world. You can be the most talented person but if you aren't good to people you won't be on our roster. We also look for clients that are ready to WORK. Working with us is a collaboration - we always use the analogy that this is YOUR bus we are helping support and facilitate you getting where you want to be! 

How long has IF Publicity been a thing?

We have been doing this for a little over 5 years! 

What are the 3 most important things you'd like people to know about you & your company?

That we truly care about each client. I understand the investment that each client makes and we never take that lightly. That we want this to be a FUN process and lastly that we are here to help. We aren't perfect people and you aren't either - we lead by grace and we are in this crazy wild business together!

Why did you decide to partner with Erin/Music on The Move Studios?

Erin is the epitome of kind and dedicated. She is one of the hardest working clients I have come across. I know she also shares the mission of putting good out into the world and that means a lot to me! Also she is crazy talented!!

You can check out IF Publicity’s website here and see all of the awesome things their clients are working on!


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