New Music Friday: International Women’s Day Edition

It’s no secret that every day is Women’s Day at Music on The Move Studios but we are so glad to celebrate ALL women of all kinds today! On today’s New Music Friday playlist, we’ve added some familiar faces such as Tracee Perrin, and Fame & Fiction and welcomed a new face with Ambar Cassidy!

As always, of course our showcase artists are featured, as well as some previous Music on The Move showcase alums. You can check out the entire playlist below.

The Clearing - Tracee Perrin

If you’ve been a part of our community for a while, you’ll know the name Tracee Perrin. Since she first graced our stages in 2021 at Marathon Music Works, she has been a fierce supporter not only of the showcases but the Music on The Move Studios community as a whole. This entire is vulnerable, honest, and straight forward grabbing you from the first track, the title song “The Clearing” and ending with an introspective take on an song of encouragement with “Only Up From Here.”

Here’s what Tracee had to say about the album:

You've been writing and working on these songs for a while now it seems. What inspired you to release them now?

The decision to release this body of work now was partly about funding and partly about just deciding that it had been long enough and the time is now. During COVID I was not doing music at all. Not singing or writing or playing my guitar. I was just working and surviving and I hit a wall. Committing to this project brought me out of a long funk I was in and then it became a compulsion to be able to see it through. 

What's the inspiration behind the production choices?

I think it came down to how I wanted the listener to feel and what I want them to experience with the songs. . It was less about which instruments would be played and more about which sounds and textures would bring for the desired experience. With the song “Champion,” for example, Cara and I wanted it to be very intimate, like the listener and I are in the room together. We recorded most of it in a cabin in the woods with acoustic instruments and that was a very synergistic experience. 

How many of these songs are based on personal experiences and personal reactions to things you've witnessed? Most, if not all of them are deeply personal and rooted in things I have been or are currently going through. That fact also makes putting this out there all the more terrifying! It’s too late now, though, haha!

What kind of message are you hoping to convey to your listeners?  I hope listeners find pieces of themselves and their journey in these songs. I think we all have times where we think we are the only ones to feel a certain way or go through something. So often, it’s music that makes us realize we are not alone and others are willing to get in the trenches with us as well as experience upswings of life and love. 

Anything else you want to share? Y

es! I am so grateful for everyone who takes the time to listed and share my music and for Music on the Move Studios for your support and empowerment of women in music! Performing in your showcase helped me reconnect with my music and performing coming out of the pandemic. 

I am also very excited for the EP release show in Nashville on March 20th at The 5 Spot, which will also feature couple of Hell Yeah,  Hellcats in my band! 

Fame & Fiction Hello, Old Friends

Next up, we have Fame & Fiction, a pop-punk band so woven in to the Music on The Move community, we practically share a fan base. Comprised of HellCats and performance alums, Fame & Fiction brings the nostalgic sounds of 2000’s pop punk in to the modern era. If you’ve ever been to a show, then you’ve also had the powerful voice of Leah Shipchack singing “I can hear your voice inside my HEEAAD” ironically stuck in your head more than once.

This new EP from Fame & Fiction highlights leaving toxic friendships with “Hello, Old Friends,” makes fun of Chads & Brads with “Assembly Line Boys,” and makes us all dance with the cheery, yet angsty post- break up song “Not the One For You,” (my personal favorite.)

Ambar Cassidy - Feel Something (single)

Ambar Cassidy is a new voice to our community but we’re here for the smooth sounds of her tone. (The vocal teacher in me is showing.) “Feel Something” is a break up tune about wanting a relationship to work so badly because theoretically it should but, your heart just isn’t in it.

“I wanted you to make me feel something
Got on my hands and knees begging my heart
But my heart felt nothing probably for the best
Your heart felt something now we're leaving this a mess dammit, why, why”

A sentiment many can relate to of knowing the other person feels more and not knowing how to break it off even when you have to. The laid back production choices of the song give it an introspective feel while keeping her vocals forward for a very clear message.

You can check out all of the artists featured as well as previous artists on our New Music Friday playlist every Friday! Don’t forget to grab your tickets for our March 26th Showcase at 3rd & Lindsley to hear our artists live!


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New Music Friday: Featuring Katie Basden, Kayla Woodson, and Sarah Lake