New Music Friday: Fame & Fiction, Meg Williams, Kristen Ford/EvrGrn

This week’s New Music Friday is chock full of showcase alum and our beloved HellCats! Kristen Ford, Meg Williams, and the entirety of Fame & Fiction have performed in our previous showcases, and we’re thrilled to feature their music this week!

Fame & Fiction kicks of the playlist with their single, ‘Enough’. A self-proclaimed, coming out/pride themed song with lines like: “had to make it my own way even if that meant that I disappointed you”, ‘Enough’ will break your heart and leave you feeling empowered, all in the span of about five minutes. Full of rich, layered instruments, rounded out by Leah’s strong vocals and Lauren’s harmonies, you’re going to want to blast this banger for days!

Next up is Meg Williams with her single, “Back to the Blues'“. This groovy tune, full of poignant guitar riffs and a sweet Hammond B3 solo, is bound to have you dancing to it on repeat for hours!

Finally, Kristen Ford/EvrGrn’s ‘Grey Sky Blue’ closes out the playlist. You may have caught Kristen discussing this track earlier this week on Paradox Jukebox with Caitie. “What’s it worth to you to try to paint a grey sky blue”? With thoughtful lyrics and hauntingly beautiful instrumentation, ‘Grey Sky Blue’ leaves you with the feeling that you are on the precipice of an adventure greater than yourself. Tune into yourself and turn it up, my friends!

Lauren Horbal (Fame & Fiction), Kels Cordarè (Fame & Fiction/EvrGrn), and Meg Williams will be playing drums, bass, and guitar, comprising The HellCats, our phenomenal house-band for our upcoming showcase at The Basement East this Monday! Get your tickets, you won’t want to miss these talented musicians play live!

Tickets are available at the link below, use discount code: HELLCAT! Can’t wait to see you there!

If you have music you’d like featured on the New Music Friday blog and playlist, submit your music to us in the contact section on our site!


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